Use these tabs at the top of the page to get familiar with the Intro Courses for each area, as well as additional resources that will help you explore related college and career options.
Use this tab to research local jobs and wages. Learn about the pre-career experiences that are available to you as a C-GCC student.
Learn about the transfer process, application process, how to research transfer programs, and some of the most common transfer schools for C-GCC students.
Exploring majors is common! Approximately 75 to 85 percent of college students change their major at least one time before graduation.
Very few people are lucky enough to figure out a straight-line path from college major to long-term professional career. Major and career exploration is a process, a journey that takes time, information, reflection, and action.
College is one of the best places to navigate this process! C-GCC provides many supports to exploring students which are represented on the diagram on the left side of this page.
The most important is Career Counseling with your academic advisor, who will help you select Intro Courses that align with your personality, values, and interests. Pre-career experiences like job shadows and information interviews provide you with opportunities to “reality-check” a career to see if it matches your expectations!
Just like a roundabout gives you time to figure out the “right exit,” the Exploration Zone gives you time to sample Intro Courses and work with your Academic Advisor to hone in on your degree plan.
Career counseling is not your schedule-planning session for next semester – this is an additional appointment with your academic advisor to develop realistic academic and career goals based on your interests, abilities, values, and needs.
Choosing your career path is one of the most important, exciting and confusing challenges in life. Get expert help and make the most of your time at C-GCC.
To schedule a career counseling session, visit or e-mail the Advising Office or contact your academic advisor.
FOCUS 2 is a career exploration tool used by the Advising Office to help student build self-awareness and research occupations.
To get started, make a Career Counseling appointment with your advisor. You will review the career planning process and be given instructions on how to set up your FOCUS 2 account. After the self-assessments are complete, you and your advisor will review your Portfolio Report and discuss the next steps.
Watch this video to learn more about Focus 2.