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Digital history guide - Childrose: Citing in APA

This guide is designed to help students participating in the remote history internship program under the guidance of professor Childrose.

APA Web Links

Books on APA Style

In-Text Citations Video - APA Style

The video below comes courtesy of the University of Louisville Writing Center. 

Citing images in APA

APA Sample Term Paper

What Else Should I Cite?

You must cite anything that you use in your research, even if it isn't a book, article, web site, or article from a database. If you use any of the following in your research, cite them as well.

  1. TV broadcasts
  2. Radio broadcasts
  3. Sound recordings
  4. Films
  5. A performance
  6. Music scores
  7. Works of visual arts
  8. Interviews
  9. Maps
  10. Cartoons or comic strips
  11. Advertisements
  12. Lectures, speeches or readings
  13. Manuscripts
  14. Letters, e-mails or tweets
  15. Legal sources
  16. Blogs
  17. Podcasts
  18. Memes
  19. Dissertations (both published and unpublished)