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HI 219 - Women in U.S. History: Childrose: Databases and Websites

A guide to assist students with research for their historical game changer paper.

If you are accessing the links on this page from off-campus, you will need to log in using your username and password (last name and last four digits of your student ID, example: smith1234 or clinton-dix1234).

America's News

Streaming Video

Films On Demand

Films on Demand is the library's streaming video database, with videos covering every subject taught at C-GCC. Click on the icon above to be taken to the database to search for videos. If you access this database from off campus, you will need to log in using your username and password, both of which are your last name and last four digits of your student ID (example smith1234 or clinton-dix4567). 

Scholarly Article Databases

Why Use Databases?

Using databases for your research has several advantages:

  1. The material is appropriate for college research.
  2. The author(s) of the articles on our databases have credibility in their fields.
  3. Databases provide helpful features, such as being able to e-mail articles to yourself, and providing sample citations you can download and/or print.
  4. Suggested narrower topics when you begin typing your search terms.
  5. The ability to narrow your results further after receiving your initial search results.
