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PY 201 - Lifespan Development: Databases and Websites

A guide for students in assistant professor Childrose's psychology 201 course.


You can use the following websites to get an idea of how to write a film review.


To access the following databases, you must sign in with your C-GCC email address and password.

Why Use Databases?

Using databases for your research has several advantages:

  1. The material is appropriate for college research.
  2. The author(s) of the articles on our databases have credibility in their fields.
  3. Databases provide helpful features, such as being able to e-mail articles to yourself, and providing sample citations you can download and/or print.
  4. Suggested narrower topics when you begin typing your search terms.
  5. The ability to narrow your results further after receiving your initial search results.

Database Tutorials

Every databases offer tutorials to help you use the site; just look for the HELP tab. There are several video tutorials available as well on our Database Video Tutorials guide