To locate a novel, there are a couple of ways you can search Primo to find an item you will be interested in reading.
If you are looking for a book by, for example, Stephen King, type in their name and click Library Catalog from the dropdown menu. You can narrow the results further. Under Refine Your Results, click Author/Creator. You should see your author's name and the number of results available. Click on the author's name.
If you're interested in reading a biography or memoir of a particular person, just search for that person's name in quotes, and select Library Catalog from the dropdown menu.
If the search results say a book is available, you can check it out for 30 days.
You can search for a specific genre (Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Horror Fiction, etc.) in Primo. To do so, click on the Advanced Search link. Under Any Field, select Subject. Type in your desired genre, and be sure to use "Fiction" as part of the search term. Under Material Type, select Books. Click Search.
Results are displayed by Relevance. Under Refine Your Results you can select Date - Newest or Date - Oldest.
The following video will teach you how to search for books using Primo, our catalog.
Many items listed in Primo have a call number (PZ4 .A13 2007, for example). Others have an all-caps code in front of the call number. Here's what those codes mean.